Monday, January 18, 2010

Life Should Be Fair!

Life is not fair. I know this. But it STILL pisses me off. I do not like the way money controls EVERYTHING in our lives. I think it's grossly unfair. Why do some people get to live in multi-million dollar mansions while others live on the street or are forced to stay with family? And don't tell me that it's because every rich person in the world has worked hard for it. Some of the wealthiest people in the world are crooks who have either stolen the money somehow, or fallen into an oil field. But then there are the other people who HAVE worked hard and are still getting beaten with a stick.

Case in point:

My uncle (who was really my adopted uncle.) from back home was in the Air Force for his entire life. Then he retired into the postal service and delivered mail for a few years. And one day on the job, he was in a head-on collision with a school bus and he was paralyzed from the neck down. BANG-Instant quadriplegia and a chance for the Federal Government to exercise their wonderful care of their war heroes. Mind you, this was a man who was in two wars and received the Distinguished Flying Cross, among other awards. And what do they do for him? They leave him to ROT. His wife, my aunt, couldn't work because she has her own set of health issues. And no one did anything.

I moved in with them and helped where I could and they helped me back. (My mom died during that time.) So we scraped by barely, and managed to raise two kids we inherited from the state. They offered to pay my war hero uncle a sum of money for the entire loss of his body, including the ability to breathe on his own. Then of course, they only gave him half of it.

Skip ahead a few years:

They NEVER paid him all they were supposed to from Worker's Comp. They NEVER paid my aunt what they were meant to pay her. Instead, they left her penniless and without the ability to get assistance. Thank you very much. She lost her house, her car, her things and is now living with her youngest daughter in one room. And she's still taking care of her 9 year old grandson who is also living the room with her at her daughter's house. And to add insult to injury, she is having to pay rent and her daughter isn't all that nice.

I have gone to Florida, which is probably my LEAST favorite place in the world, and I am barely managing here. There is money that is due for both my aunt and myself, and not a dime has been paid. So, I sit here trying to cook lovely food for my son and my companion, and I am wondering how we are going to stretch the money so that we have enough of what we need.

The job market COMPLETELY sucks, so there goes the idea of getting a good job. And my remaining uncle who raised me is trying to make up the difference we have lost. And I just have to wonder WHY? Why is this fair? Why are the wealthy people in the government and the department of labor and the banks, etc. allowed to sit in their mansions while we all come close to starving? I think it is so wrong and SO negligent on the part of the government.

The primary concerns of the government should be the citizens of this nation, OUR nation, HERE in the United States. Not the impoverished countries around the world. Mind you, I'm all for charity and helping others. But how can we help others when we can't even help ourselves?? If we are spending billions of dollars on food for other countries, why don't we try and spend that on all the people in our country who are also starving? I can't tell you how many people I have fed who are hungry, or brought meals to who are in need. And now, when we are in need. Nothing. And so it makes me FURIOUS because we shouldn't even be in this situation.

Hopefully soon we will be able to have a little financial restoration. Then I want a house with some land because I am going to plant all of my own food and have some chickens, etc. The more self-sufficient we are, the better it will be. God knows we can depend on NO ONE. Who is going to save us? The government? The banks? The financial lenders? If you get in an accident today, can YOU count on Worker's Comp doing right by you? I would just have to give a big, resounding NO.

So, my point is that today, not even cooking is cheering me up. It might if I had more to cook. And I would have more to cook if I had the money that I am supposed to have. So I will be a sour sally with my blog and depress everyone. But I think I am just saying that we are going to have to take care of ourselves. No one is going to do it for us.

I want to go back home to Oregon. The people are nicer. I actually have friends there. We've all tried to help each other. Which is more than you can expect from most people. Oh well...That's life.

I have managed to stretch my paltry amount of food and have come up with some very creative meals. My son thinks they're great. And John is always impressed that I can make something out of nothing. I guess they're good skills to have. I just wish I didn't have to use them.

More later.

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